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4 Easy Tips to Help you Write Catchy Headlines

You’ve written an incredible piece of content, and you’re eager to share it with millions of users on the internet. You hit publish, sit back with a smile on your face and wait for the clicks to roll in… except they never come.

You see, well-written content that utilises all the best SEO practices is nothing without a catchy headline. Readers need to be taken by the hand before committing to the journey that your piece of content will ultimately take them on. But how to write a great headline?

Here are a few ways you can start writing catchy headlines today:

Use numbers


There’s just something about numbers that seem to attract readers, so where possible, make sure it’s included. There isn’t a specific number that works best, but research shows that readers love anything between three to five points. However, it should be your “catchy headline secret weapon,” so try not to overuse them.

Use emotional adjectives


Emotional adjectives are used to evoke a readers’ emotions in order to get them to read your content. Whether you feel excited or sad when you read a specific headline, the likelihood of you clicking on it is high. Here are a few of these power words:

  • Unlimited
  • Rare
  • Last chance
  • Remarkable
  • New
  • Useful
  • Easy
  • Quick

There are many more to choose from, so choose wisely.

Use what, why, how or when


People love to know the “why” behind something, and they certainly want to know “how to.” These are considered trigger words and are great to include in your persuasive headline. However, try not to use a trigger word and number.

Use headline analysing tools


If you’re stumped on whether your headline is good or not, Coschedule’s Headline Analyzer is a great tool to utilise. It offers great alternatives to your suggested headline and lets you know whether it’s hitting all the right spots!

Got your headline but have no clue why you should be blogging for your business? Check out a few reasons why you should have a blog, or get in touch with our Digital Agency to find out more.

Originally posted 2022-10-21 09:00:24.

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