Blogging Do's and Don't

The Do’s and Don’ts of Blogging

With the introduction and popularity of TikTok videos and Instagram reels, you may feel the need to place all your marketing energy into videos. However, you may also be surprised to learn that blogging still takes a large portion of the marketing cake. Nearly 90% of businesses in 2022 used blogs to market their business, a clear indication that blogging should still be a prominent feature in your marketing strategy.

With this in mind, we thought we’d share a few blogging do’s and don’ts:

DO: Write Authentically

While blogging is a wonderful way to promote your products or services, it’s also a great way for potential customers to get to know your business. Creating authentic quality content helps readers feel comfortable and helps them feel as though they’re getting advice from a friend. It also creates the space for your business to become a trusted expert within your field. Remain authentic in the way you deliver your content, and you’ll go far!

DON’T: Write too much

No one wants to spend their afternoon reading a single blog post. Research shows that readers are likely to lose interest in the first 15 seconds if your post does not grab their attention. Keep things short and to the point. Too much content overwhelms readers, which results in them clicking off and moving on to something that’s easier to digest. Along with this, make sure you use simple vocabulary.

DO: Write a catchy headline

Speaking of grabbing a reader’s attention, nothing does it quite like a catchy headline. A great headline can explain to the customer what value they may gain if they click on your article. Create headlines that are short and clear. There is also a range of headline analyzers to help you create a headline that does the job!

DON’T: Clickbait your audience

The flip side of this headline coin is creating a headline that baits readers into clicking on your article. Never do this! This will not only increase your bounce rate, but you will lose your reader’s trust as they realise the content doesn’t deliver what the headline promised.

DO: Post regularly

You don’t have to post every day but create a consistent schedule. Search engines love fresh content, and new content will allow your website to rank higher. If you’re pressed for time, try creating a quality piece of content at least once a month.

DON’T: Forget to proofread

You don’t have to be the best writer, but you do have to be a competent one. Articles with spelling errors and obvious grammar mistakes can make you look like an amateur. This influences the bounce rate and will force readers to look elsewhere. There are several free grammar checkers online, such as Grammarly, which can help you improve your writing before hitting publish.

The biggest tip when it comes to blogging? Be patient, and have a little fun with your content. As a leading Digital Marketing Agency, we help businesses rank better by quality content. Find out more by speaking to one of our friendly team members!

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